Thursday, September 18, 2008

Palin, Seriously?

I feel like I'm in a bad sitcom/Lifetime movie. Palin is not qualified to be Vice President or President of the United States nor is she qualified to be Governor of Alaska. And I am not a sexist for saying that, I'm a realist. Are we really buying this? I am just shocked, absolutely shocked that America, or rather the media that is spoon feeding it to America is buying this BS. But I don't think we really are buying–not all of us for that matter. I believe strongly in an America in which people are not so easily swayed by political rhetoric at a time when we have need an administration/party change more than ever.

She's Not Qualified. Say it with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's what my best friend Matt Damon had to say: "It’s like a really bad Disney movie. The hockey mom, you know, ‘Oh, I’m just a hockey mom’… and she’s facing down President Putin [of Russia]…. It’s totally absurd …. It’s a really terrifying possibility.” I rest my case.